Cloud - The Most Important Part of Digital Transformation

For companies that want to have a competitive advantage and sustainable high income sources in the digitalizing world, the management and production approach has changed towards factors such as being faster and customer-oriented. This means having a faster management approach without the concept of time and space.

As a result, the use of the Cloud has taken its place at the top of the agendas of companies and individuals as one of the most important parts of digital transformation.

The Ways of Doing Business Are Changing

In today's world, companies; With the changing consumer and customer behaviors, increasing digitalization, they question their business models, the experience they give to their customers and the way they do business.

  • Make sense of Data Collected from Customers
  • Quickly Respond to Customer Needs

The Rise of Cloud Technologies

Cloud solutions enable you to increase efficiency and agility, reduce costs, participate in new business models and seize new market opportunities

  • It is thought that 83% of the workload will now be carried out over cloud computing,
  • 74% of KCDOs and CTOs believe Cloud will have a major impact on their business

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