Frequently Asked

We have compiled for you the frequently asked questions from our customers about our Cloud Services. Please contact us for all your questions other than the ones listed.

Ask question

  • Q.Do I need to purchase new hardware to use your Cloud system?

    You can include your Hotspot devices that you use in your business into our Cloud Hotspot network without any physical additions or changes. You don't have to buy a new device, just in case you want to benefit from our device warranty service during the subscription period, you should purchase the hardware approved by us together with the cloud membership package.

  • Q.After a certain period of time on all devices, logs cannot be obtained due to failure, will I have the same problem in the Cloud system?

    Hotspot Cloud services. No information is kept in the recording memory on your device. Your device only connects to our Cloud service performs the operation. For this reason, you will never experience lockdown or data loss due to data size.

  • Q.I don't have the device, how long is the warranty period if we buy it from you?

    If you buy your device from us, we provide a one-to-one replacement in case of any malfunction in your device during the subscription period. In order to ensure that the work of our Hotspot Cloud Service members is not disrupted and to ensure uninterrupted work of our customers, we guarantee one-to-one replacement of our faulty products during the service period. Our devices are Plug and Play, you can plug and play your device that we sent you. Cloud Service will update device data. You will not experience any data loss in your users and logs.

  • Q.If my log records are requested, how can I access my log records?

    Your log information is archived in our Hotsopt Cloud Services for 5 years. In case the law enforcement units request this information from you, you can list on the basis of 5 years back date from the administrative interface. If you have any problems with listing, please contact us. Your log records within the date range you specify will be forwarded to you by our technical support team.

  • Q.I have more than 50 branches, can I manage and log all these branches from a single center?

    You can manage, configure and log all your devices up to 5,000 Hotspot devices from a single point. If you wish, you can create your own Cloud system by purchasing one of our Cloud Server services.

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