Data Security

Safe Hotspot provides industry-leading tools and technologies to efficiently protect and manage your data throughout its lifetime. We work hard to protect the privacy of your data, meet global security standards that support compliance, and provide tools to assist with regulation.

For many businesses, their data is an important part of company value. You can rest easy knowing that your data is protected because we keep your data on our Cloud servers, not on the devices located in the locations.

Is the Cloud Secure?

We have created a cloud technology infrastructure that you will use effectively and get the highest efficiency, so your data is always safe.

  • Backup: Data is Always Backed Up
  • Up-to-Date: Our Systems Are Always Up-to-Date

Regular Network and Firewall Maintenance

As a standard, no packets that do not comply with the firewall rules are transferred to our cloud servers. Our network and system maintenances are carried out on a regular basis.

  • Administration, Risk and Compliance
  • Identity and Access Management

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